
카자흐스탄, 이라크 몇 장, Kazakhstan vs. Iraq - 2013 ASVC 본문


카자흐스탄, 이라크 몇 장, Kazakhstan vs. Iraq - 2013 ASVC

ForReal 2013. 10. 9. 21:09

17th Asian Senior Volleyball Chapionships was held in Dubai. There are some pics taken in the competition of Kazakhstan versus Iraq.

아랍에미리트 연방국, 두바이에서 열린 아시아 남자 배구 선수권 대회에서 카자흐스탄과 이라크가 경기를 치뤘고 사진 몇장을 담았습니다.

all images in this blog are not allowed to be edited.

a line made from 3 men

complaining moment.

some staff are watching player's Serve with smiling somewhat wicked..?

It seems to be look that Head coach is burning his brain


a set of KAZ

Iraq's attack again

where his arms are going

winner's shouting.

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