Weijun과 함께하는 기록지 탐방, 아시아 남자 배구 선수권 - 2013 ASVC 본문
In this posting, I got a player of China national volleyball team. There is no.7 on chest on his uniform. Yes, he is Zhong Wei Jun, the Best Scorer and the Best Server of 17th Asian Senior men's Volleyball Championships. In the competitons in Dubai, he shows lots of block & spike moments (gaining or not) and shouting for his team that somewhat more quiet than any other teams. In addition to his role as a player, I can see him in the court more easily, for he take some weird taping on his arm and (frankly) he has bright and white skin, yeah, so handsome. Anyway, Zhong Weijun wins 2 place of best status in this Championships and you can see a pic below that he got 2 trophies. Also, It is possible to see records list of 17th ASVC ( actually, AVC ) with his name and some Korean players. Check-out !
17번째 아시아 남자 배구 선수권에서 두개의 트로피 받아쥐고 의아해하는 중위준 '-' ?? 중웨이준? 뚱 웨이쭌??..뚱웨이쭌...뜡위준 ;0;.... 어떻게 불러야할지 모르겠는 중국의 7번 선수 사진을 모았습니다. 최고 득점상과 베스트 서브상 트로피를 쥐었는데요. 그 자세한 기록이 궁금해서 AVC 기록지를 뒤적뒤적여 봤고요. 더해서 우리나라 선수들 기록도 볼 수 있었습니다. 그리하여 어찌됬던 Weijun과 함께하는 아시아 남자 배구 선수권 기록지 탐방이라며 포스팅 이어갑니다^0^
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Wei jun Zhong
team of China
Wei jun Zhong is shouting for his team after gaining a point
Zhong is waiting for his medal in ceremony
It seems that he confused for names of trophies
서버에 한국 선수들 이름 많이보이고요 ㅋ
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